~~META:date created = 2010-03-01 00:00~~ ====== Hello Drupal ====== Some time ago, I decided to migrate my blog from [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] to [[http://drupal.org/|Drupal]]. Blogging with DokuWiki was OK using the plugins from the [[http://dokuwiki.foosel.org/blogsuite/index.php|DokuWiki Blogsuite BundleHub]], but Drupal has some advantages. It's always fascinating to get into a new technology. After using misc. wiki systems and Wordpress, I wanted to try a content management system. I had a quick look into Drupal, Joomla and Silverstripe, and then decided to go with Drupal. One very interesting part of Drupal is the [[http://drupal.org/project/cck|Content Construction Kit (CCK)]]. This was also the main reason to choose Drupal. I've already set up my Projects a special content nodes and thinking about doing the same for tasks and bookmarks. The power of the CCK shows in the Blogroll channel in the sidebar. I set up a "Friend" content type and gave it attributes like blog URL and Twitter name. The [[http://drupal.org/project/views|Views]] module rendes the list of friends as a nice list in the sidebar. The credits for this solution go to [[http://constantin.glez.de/|Constantin Gonzalez]] which implemented this cool feature on his blog first. {{tag>blogging drupal}}