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- Shadows @info:webdesign:css
- ien Glow ==== text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 6px rgb(0, 255, 255) <html><span style="background-color: black; color: rgb(0, 255, 255); font-size: 14pt; padding: 6pt; text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 6px rgb(0, 255, 255);">Alien Glow</span></
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- 5A9E2F7330136DB12E1CE20CCFAC3490563E358B9A5C833B46552A67 Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: C9BFCE43... 6D867BC6D253BFD034B59E942F7A53012E4CEC5EE3615C34B75571C934E58D96C10DEC47A071B3 Key-Arg : None ... t: 0000 - a0 74 cd da 9f 5c f5 b1-ca ea 52 c0 55 5c a0 6c .t...\....R.U\.l 0010 - 48 02 bc a... 70 - 7f 72 7c 82 19 32 d0 95-aa d0 60 1d 40 ac e2 55 .r|..2....`.@..U 0080 - f4 66 a5 01 8b 66 0
- Compare a Key with its Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- ext -in server.key The exponent is quite always 65537. So we only need to compare the modulus. ope... 09234541F508FCFED435CCCD73880A6BCC488ABB8C6F3D8 0E55F5DC528AE325D007CC3489603668506BD77B555D0B5FAAFC671D96E36FEBE1250707E36B798B 5F993225311D3F2BB358BF382... CBBE4D87068AE2282F1FC3B7A382A6883871C9CD137683105D552C 5E4E19D9F6263D85697AC85B41C71F327F4E467DDA61E72
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- xamples: List all java processes: ''jps'' <code> 55719 hourglass.jar 51299 jEdit 51610 Main 56026 Jps </code> Long listing: ''jps -l'' <code> 55719 /Users/andreas/.my/pkg/hourglass-0.6.1/lib/hou... s.Main </code> List arguments: ''jps -m'' <code> 55719 hourglass.jar 56051 Jps -m 51299 jEdit 4.2/jed... works/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home -Xms8m 55719 hourglass.jar 51299 jEdit 51610 Main -Djdk.hom
- fstyp @info:solaris
- 213 hostname: 'workbox' top_guid: 9425194213536263558 guid: 9425194213536263558 vdev_tree: type: 'disk' id: 0 guid: 9425194213536263558 path: '/dev/dsk/c7d0s0' devid: 'id1,cmdk... L: 106 gen_clean: true gen_guid: '9425194213536263558' gen_version: '14' gen_volume_label: 'rpool' </f
- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian
- L, vid int(11) NOT NULL, villagename varchar(255) NOT NULL, uid int(11) NOT NULL, accountname varchar(255) NOT NULL, aid int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', alliancename varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', population smallint(6) NO
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- --ip<ipv4> [--netmask<ipv4> (def:] | --ipv6<ipv6> [--netmasklengthv6<length> (def: 64)]]
- exiftool @info:script
- ===== To shift the photos 43 days, 14 hours and 55 minutes to the future: exiftool -AllDates+='0:0:43 14:55:0' -overwrite_original *.jpg {{tag>scripting exi
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- ~~META:date created = 2010-05-17 09:55~~ ====== How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox ====== Vi
- List Open Ports @info:sysadmin
- 695/sshd udp 0 0*
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy @blog:2010
- very helpful article "[[http://drupal.org/node/339552|Drupal via HTTPS/SSL Proxy Server (shared certif