Fulltext results:
- Project PDA @p:pda
- ect PDA ====== The Project PDA aims to build a real Personal Digital Assistant. * [[.:dc:|Data Collector]]: Collection of API Implementations to connect to several (Web-)Services and access data there * [[.:blac
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- ====== Usage: java -jar andunix-tool.jar <Global Options> <Command> <Command Options> **Tip:** I ... NDUNIX_TOOL_DIR}/andunix-tool.jar $* </file> Global Options: -d --debug Activates the Debug-Level
- Serial Protocol @p:dmx
- ====== Serial Protocol ====== For the communication between the host (PC) and the controller (Arduino), there is a serial protocol over USB. The protocol is line by line,