Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- rld'..." </code> The same can be done to produce any kind of HTML, it just needs to be added to the [[... to display text exactly like it is typed (without any formatting), enclose the area either with ''%%<no... lighter/|GeSHi]] Generic Syntax Highlighter -- so any language supported by GeSHi is supported. The syn... cho "hello world!"; ?> </file> If you don't want any highlighting but want a downloadable file, specif
- ZFS Playground @blog:2009
- d all blocks of the pool and check the checksums. Any errors will be reported an corrected (if there is... 0 </code> In this case, the scrub didn't find any errors, so nothig needed to be repaired. ===== C... Note that ''zpool status'' doesn't show the pool any more. <code bash> pfexec zpool destroy demo zpoo
- Print Information about a Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- gorithms, issuer and subject names, serial number any extensions present and any trust settings. You should redirect the output into a file (with "''> test
- Print Information about a Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- gorithms, issuer and subject names, serial number any extensions present and any trust settings. You should redirect the output into a file (with "''> test
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- t CA. The extensions added to the certificate (if any) are specified in the configuration file. Unless
- ReLAX @blog:2009
- er to store the configuration. I decided to allow any server which can be read by ''curl'', ''wget'' or
- Print all certificates in a file @info:cryptography:openssl
- ml#item__print_certs|-print_certs]]'': prints out any certificates or CRLs contained in the file. They
- IPS Repository Appliance @blog:2010
- -0906-full.iso <note> The links above don't work any more and were removed. </note> ===== Setup Virtu
- Mercurial @info
- [^/]+/dist$ ^[^/]+/nbproject/private$ </code> In any direcotry: <code> (^|/)build$ (^|/)dist$ (^|/)nb
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- ==== To reconfigure the devices, you can perform any of these actions: - ''touch /reconfigure'' and
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- , but a small bash script does the job as good as any other client. <code bash dyndns-update.sh> #! /b