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- IPS Repository Appliance
- reated = 2010-10-27 14:36~~ ====== IPS Repository Appliance ====== Brian Leonard wrote a good guide ho... to obtain root privileges. <code bash> svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/media/ENTER_DISK_NAME_HERE/repo svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/readonly=true svcadm enable application/pkg/server </code> {{osolrepo07.png?noli
- Home Server Goals
- Internet. * **Web Hosting**: I want to run web application at home. Usually, I'm hosting my webapps at Host Europe, but there are some apps which I can't or don't want to host there. This includes PHP and JEE applications with MySQL as database. * **LAN Gatewa
- Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical
- ystem. Do the following as root (''su'') or with appropriate permissions (''pfexec/sudo''). <code bas