Fulltext results:
- localeadm @info:solaris
- , fr_CA.UTF-8 ] Done. A copy of this report can be found in /var/sadm/system/data/locales.list </cod... r_FR.ISO8859-1, fr_FR.ISO8859-15, fr_FR.UTF-8, fr_BE.ISO8859-1, fr_BE.ISO8859-15, fr_BE.UTF-8, nl_BE.ISO8859-1, nl_BE.ISO8859-15, nl_BE.UTF-8, nl_NL.ISO8859-1, nl_NL.ISO88
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- less specified using the set_serial option 0 will be used for the serial number. * ''[[http://www.op... fied then if a private key is created it will not be encrypted. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/ap... ': this option specifies that a PKCS#12 file will be created rather than parsed. * ''[[http://www.op... key from. If not present then a private key must be present in the input file. * ''[[http://www.ope
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- PLDzWQhaEx YHBMBnrO9BPZkt+GACDASmeFc6QSJMB7dfYwmp6Be6KoJDQ6bPjA1kZNzQyUejEo FeFuU4X+dAKy/bjvQkKzeXdhc3... 7 38 =\....A.2...Q..8 0030 - 72 b8 84 14 b9 be 9e 08-54 30 30 ff 3a ec b6 fa r.......T00.:... ... .@..U 0080 - f4 66 a5 01 8b 66 09 ee-9c 10 6f be 7f cd 37 c2 .f...f....o...7. 0090 - 41 c7 f... e 30 90 bc A..{.U..L.3X.0.. 00a0 - 9b 60 8a be 7b 86 e3 13-ee de 77 fb c3 9e 7a 3c .`..{.....w
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- s.domains'' contains all the domains which should be updated. They must be whitespace separated, I recomment to put one domain per line. In the for loop,
- Increase the Tomcat Upload Limit @info:sysadmin
- nstalled Tomcat in ''/opt/tomcat'', the file will be here: ''/opt/tomcat/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.x... nstalled Tomcat with the package manager, it will be here: ''/usr/share/tomcat7-admin/manager/WEB-INF/
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- al block size divided by 1, 2, 4 or 8. So, it can be between 512 Bytes and 8 KiB. The default fragment... k/c0t0d0s0 home vol1 * Labeled filesystems can be copied with ''volcopy'' {{tag>solaris solaris10
- Virtual Network Visualization @info:solaris
- p zone'' and generates a dot-File, which then can be rendered using [[http://www.graphviz.org/|Graphviz]]. **Update**: You might also be interested in the [[http://blogs.sun.com/observat
- Firefox Extensions @info:prog:firefox
- |Private Tab]] |Enables private tabs, so you can be logged in with two different accounts. | |[[htt
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles @info:oracle
- g/pfiles/initweb.ora'', the the second line would be: <code sql> STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/db/oracle/co
- Cleanup Packages @info:linux:debian
- is removed or the dependencies change, there can be left over packages. ''deborphan'' is an utility w
- JAX-WS Debugging @info:java
- ump=true </code> The most common option seems to be ''com.sun.xml.internal.ws.transport.http.client.H
- Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox @info:java
- his with Ubuntu 14.04, the "plugin" directory may be somewhere else on your system. {{tag>java plugin
- Package Repositories @info:solaris
- ies]]. More on IPS, the Image Package System can be found at: * http://www.opensolaris.org/os/proje
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts @info:script
- e tools which I use in my scripts an which should be installed on every of my systems. Basic tools (e.
- Oracle: Resize Instance @info:oracle
- ze Instance ====== In this example, the SGA will be resized to 6GB and the PGA to 2GB. First, change