Fulltext results:
- Dice Roller
- umber of dice, sides and the offset and press the button “roll”. The script shows the individual dice a... u can just enter the number of dice and press the butten for the type of dice. At the bottom, there are... tp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/|CC Attribution 3.0 Unported]]. ===== HTML Form ===== <code
- Project Idea: WikiTable
- ect Idea: WikiTable ====== I'm using wikis a lot but every wiki I tried so far lacks support for tables. The wikis are able to show tables, but building a table using lots of pipes “|” sucks. W
- s Groß. LAX has some very interesiting concepts, but, unfortunately, it doesn't fit my needs. So I dec
- ZFS Playground
- 6 files of 200MB. The files are named like disks, but they are only files for this demo. <code bash> c
- Travian Village Planner
- ge planner at [[http://www.ebav.co.uk/travian/]], but I was missing a possibility to save and reference