Fulltext results:
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- = <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; </code> ==== Create User and Databas... ' <code sql> CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX... ALL ON `dbname`.* TO 'dbuser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dbpass'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- he output filename to write to or standard output by default. Now you can pack the key into a PKCS#12... certificates and private keys to, standard output by default. They are all written in PEM format. * ... PKCS#12 file to be parsed. Standard input is used by default. {{tag>cryptography howto openssl securi
- Oracle: List Accounts with Objects @info:oracle
- sql> SELECT DISTINCT OWNER FROM DBA_OBJECTS ORDER BY OWNER; </code> If you want to list all accounts,... <code sql> SELECT USERNAME FROM ALL_USERS ORDER BY USERNAME; </code> Or, if you only want the DBAs: <code sql> SELECT USERNAME FROM DBA_USERS ORDER BY USERNAME; </code> {{tag>admin oracle sqlplus}}
- Print all certificates in a file @info:cryptography:openssl
- or CRLs contained in the file. They are preceded by their subject and issuer names in one line format... he output filename to write to or standard output by default. {{tag>cryptography howto openssl securi
- Cleanup Packages @info:linux:debian
- Try to report python libraries. --guess-ruby Try to report ruby libraries. --guess-section Try to report libraries in w
- Android Backup @info:android
- ?????? no permissions </file> You can solve this by restarting the adb server: <code bash> sudo adb
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- fragment size// is the logical block size divided by 1, 2, 4 or 8. So, it can be between 512 Bytes and
- Package Repositories @info:solaris
- ot qualified and not recommended for installation by users | |https://pkg.sun.com/opensolaris/extra/
- MySQL: Change Password @info:mysql:user
- ql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; </code> Or you can
- Plaintext @info:cryptography
- is the input upon which they operate. Cleartext, by contrast, refers to data that is transmitted or s