Fulltext results:
- Set a Mac's Hostname
- * http://osxdaily.com/2010/09/06/change-your-mac-hostname-via-terminal/ {{tag>mac osx cli sysadmin}}
- MacPorts
- u can clean these: <code bash> sudo port uninstall inactive </code> {{tag>admin cli mac osx sysadmin}}
- Make your Mac feel at Home
- ss network) and replace the two echo lines with your code. {{tag>cli mac osx wlan sysadmin scripting}}
- Command Line Audio
- </code> More information on how to use afplay is available via afplay -h. {{tag>audio cli howto mac}}
- Comapct Sparse Image
- Image ====== <code bash> hdiutil compact your.sparseimage </code> {{tag>sysadmin cli apple mac osx}}
- Clear DNS Cache
- '. dscacheutil -flushcache sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder {{tag>mac osx sysadmin dns cache cli}}
- AirPort Command Line Interface
- etworksetup -setairportnetwork {Network} AirPort {{tag>mac osx device wlan cli shell script sysadmin}}