Fulltext results:
- base-repo-get-service
- === base-repo-get-service ====== Loads a service configuration from the repository and outputs it to ... ually evaluated in a shell script by the ''eval'' command. ===== Example ===== <code bash> # # get service config config=$(base-repo-get-service ${service}) if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo
- base-exec-superuser
- ====== base-exec-superuser ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. Before executing the command, the privileges will be elevated. This privi... hod is defined by $RIGHT_ELEVATION in the service configuration and can be either ''pfexec'', ''su'' o
- base-exec-user
- ====== base-exec-user ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. ===== Usage ===== base-exec-user USER COMMAND * ''USER'': A key of an user definition i... ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as local user
- base-ssh-login
- ecially [[base-exec-user]]) to remotely execute a command. ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-login SERVICE [ COMMAND ] * ''SERVICE'': a key of an user or host... ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as local user will be taken. * ''COMMAND'': a command to be executed. If not present,
- base-net-load-url
- he URL to load. ===== Returns ===== Returns the contents of the resource referenced by the URL. ===== Examples ===== <code bash> base-net-load-url "${service_url}" </code> <code bash> PASSWORD=$(base-net-load-url ${PASSWORD_URL}) </code>
- base-repo-get-value
- ===== base-repo-get-value ====== Loads a service configuration from the repository and outputs a sing... in the service definition. ===== Example ===== <code bash> # # service must be a zone (have $ZONE se... E)" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: service '${service}' is no zone (ZONE not set)" >&2 exit 1 fi # </code>