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- base-exec-superuser @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-superuser ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. Before executing the command, the privileges will be elevated. This privileg... '. ===== Usage ===== base-exec-superuser USER COMMAND * ''USER'': A key of an user definition in t
- base-exec-user @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-user ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. ===== Usage ===== base-exec-user USER COMMAND * ''USER'': A key of an user definition in t... ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as local user wi
- Command Line Audio @info:mac
- ~~META:date created = 2009-06-19 16:17~~ ====== Command Line Audio ====== ===== Change Mac Audio Volume from Command Line ===== To change the audio volume from remote of my Mac at home, I needed a command line tool which I can use via ssh. I've found i... .com/2007/04/28/change-the-system-volume-from-the-command-line/|OS X Daily - Change the system volume fro
- base-ssh-login @z:relax:api:base
- ecially [[base-exec-user]]) to remotely execute a command. ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-login SERVICE [ COMMAND ] * ''SERVICE'': a key of an user or host de... ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as local user will be taken. * ''COMMAND'': a command to be executed. If not present, an
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- e: java -jar andunix-tool.jar <Global Options> <Command> <Command Options> **Tip:** I suggest to create a shell-script to ease the java starting: <file bash... -debug Activates the Debug-Level in the output. Commands: * [[#eyetv|eyetv]] ===== EyeTV ===== Usage: axt eyetv <Command Options> Command Options: -b --pre-rec Min
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- e'' without options. <code> Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 4.2.16 (C) 20... == Usage: ===== VBoxManage [<general option>] <command> ===== General Options: ===== [-v|--version... e a file containing the settings password ===== Commands: ===== list [--long|-l] vms|runnin... (comma-separated) metrics setup
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) @blog:2010
- Which zone is eating up my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== Part 1: Find the Zone ===== To... es use the most RAM in the zone, use one of these commands: <code bash> prstat -z zone -s rss prstat -z ... the first an the lower case ''-z'' in the second command. For more information about ''prstat'', see th
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- ontains the full path to VBoxManage, VirtualBox's command line tool. ''SCRIPT_EXT='' is the extensions fo... code bash> VBOX="/usr/bin/VBoxManage" SCRIPT_EXT="command" </code> Next, there are defaults for the VMs ... t (same as activate, just with an additional boot command) and deactivate. The variables are evaluated wh
- IPS Repository Appliance @blog:2010
- olink|}} NOTE: You need to execute the following commands with adequate privileges. Use "su", "sudo", "p... as repository. To set it as publisher, use this command (again with apropiate privileges) and replace '
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- t the system's devices, you can use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''format'' * ''prtconf''... newfs -Nv <raw device> === fstyp === * The command ''[[solaris:fstyp|fstyp]]'' list filesystems pr
- Simulating slow network connections with trickle @blog:2014
- wnlink of a Firefox browser to 512 KB/s with this command: <code bash> trickle -d 512 /usr/bin/firefox -... econds>] [-l <length>] [-n <path>] command ... -h Help (this) -v Inc
- File System @info:solaris
- /819-2254/udfs-7fs|udfs(7FS)]] ===== File System Commands ===== Use this commands to administer file systems. * fsck * [[fstyp]] * mkfs - better use ne
- Serial Protocol @p:dmx
- ) as end. The first character denotes the type of command or information. The following commands have been defined: * **C**ounter - set, read or inform about
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts @info:script
- ====== Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts ====== This is a list of comman dline tools which I use in my scripts an which s
- AirPort Command Line Interface @info:mac
- ====== AirPort Command Line Interface ====== ===== AirPort On/Off ===== Infos from [[http://osxdaily.co... 05/31/enable-disable-airport-wireless-connections-command-line/|OS X Daily]] ==== AirPort On ==== net