Fulltext results:
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles
- a PFile, just enter the following in SQLplus: <code sql> CREATE PFILE FROM SPFILE; </code> It will create a PFile ''${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}... ath to the PFile instead of ${PATH_TO_PFILE}. <code sql> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='$... CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; </code> If your PFile is located at ''/db/oracle/config
- Oracle: Recovery Manager
- er ====== ===== Start Recovery Manager ===== <code bash> rman target / </code> ===== Delete Archive Logs ===== Delete all archive logs but keep the last 45 days: <code sql> DELETE ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -45'; </code> To remove archive logs older than 3 days withou
- Oracle: List Accounts with Objects
- jects (like tables), you can query them with: <code sql> SELECT DISTINCT OWNER FROM DBA_OBJECTS ORDER BY OWNER; </code> If you want to list all accounts, you can query them with: <code sql> SELECT USERNAME FROM ALL_USERS ORDER BY USERNAME; </code> Or, if you only want the DBAs: <code sql> SELE
- Oracle: Resize Instance
- rst, change the [[spfile_and_pfiles|SPFile]]: <code sql> ALTER SYSTEM SET pga_aggregate_target = 2G S... LTER SYSTEM SET sga_target = 6G SCOPE=SPFILE; </code> Then, (optionally) export the SPFile to a PFile: <code sql> CREATE PFILE FROM SPFILE; </code> Finally, reboot the instance to activate the change: <code s
- Oracle: EXP
- nter the account name insteand of ''{user}''. <code bash> exp USERID=\'/ as sysdba\' FILE={user}.dmp FULL=N OWNER={user} </code> {{tag>admin exp oracle}}
- Oracle: SQLplus Scripting
- o header or other stuff, enter the following: <code sql> SET NEWPAGE 0 SET SPACE 0 SET LINESIZE 80 SE... SET VERIFY OFF SET HEADING OFF SET MARKUP HTML OFF SPOOL OFF </code> {{tag>oracle scripting sqlplus}}