Fulltext results:
- ZFS Playground
- l add demo /var/tmp/c0d1 </code> <code> invalid vdev specification use '-f' to override the following ... ched replication level: pool uses mirror and new vdev is file </code> You have to force adding a vdev with a different redundancy. It's recommendend to hav... pe of redundancy (none, mirror or raidz) for all vdevs in a pool. For this demo, we will ignore this re
- ess.org/2009/|Linux Kongress]] and [[http://www.osdevcon.org/2009/|OpenSolaris Developer Conference]]. In this book, I found amoung other, also very interes
- Project Idea: WikiTable
- ble using lots of pipes “|” sucks. What I want to develop (or learn that such a this already exists) is