Fulltext results:
- rmdir for OSX @info:mac
- Finder on OSX creates ''.DS_Store'' files in the directories to store its settings. This makes removing directories from the command line quite complicated: <code bash> $ rmdir test rmdir: test: Directory not empty $ rm test/.DS_Store $ /bin/rmdir... </code> I wrote a small bash function to remove directories together with the contained ''.DS_Store''
- Mercurial
- ==== NetBeans ==== These expressions exclude the directories ''build'', ''dist'' and ''nbproject/priva... 'gen'', ''nbbuild'' or the complete ''nbproject'' directory. Only in the top directory, but not in subdirectories: <code> ^build$ ^dist$ ^nbproject/private$ </code> Only in the second level directory, but not in subdirectories: <code> ^[^/]+/
- Compare directories @info:script
- ====== Compare directories ====== For each of the directories, generate a digest file: <code bash> find DIR -type f -exec shasum {} + | LC_ALL=C sort -d -k 2
- Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox @info:java
- ou have to create a symlink from Firefox's plugin directory ''/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/'' to the file ''libnpjp2.so'' in the JRE's "lib" dir. <code bash> sudo ln -s \ ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib... hat I tested this with Ubuntu 14.04, the "plugin" directory may be somewhere else on your system. {{ta
- Git @info:code
- === === Init Repository === Standard: git init [DIR] Bare: git init --bare [DIR] === Log === See commits between branches: git log master..develop ===
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- rk/Versions/1.6/Home -Dnetbeans.system_http_proxy=DIRECT -Dnetbeans.system_http_non_proxy_hosts= -Dnetbeans.dirs=bin/..//visualvm:bin/..//profiler2: -Dnetbeans.h
- Cleanup Packages @info:linux:debian
- grep 'deinstall$' </code> You can feed this list directly to aptitude to purge the packages: <code ba... rphan --guess-all </code> You can feed this list directly to aptitude to purge the packages: <code ba
- Setting the Timezone @info:linux:debian
- <code bash> vi /etc/timezone </code> Or set it directy: <code bash> echo "Europe/Berlin" > /etc/tim
- root login with bash @info:script
- ash'' is much easier. Using this command, you can directly log in as ''root'' with a ''bash'' shell.
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- OC: fmthard -s <vtoc backup> <raw device> * Directly transfer VTOC from one disk to another: p
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles @info:oracle
- from a file called "SPFile". You can't change it directly as it's a binary file. Additionally, Oracle
- Change Encoding with iconv @info:script
- to ''OUTPUT.txt''. ===== Convert All Files in a Directory ===== <code bash> for f in $(find . -type
- Package Repositories @info:solaris
- t [[http://wikis.sun.com/display/IpsBestPractices/Directory+of+Package+Repositories]]. More on IPS, th
- Specify Java VM for Eclipse @info:code:eclipse
- o the ''eclipse.ini'' in the Eclipse installation directory: <code> -vm /opt/jdk/bin/java </code> <no
- /etc @info:solaris
- is a collection of descriptions of Solaris config files (in the /etc directory). {{indexmenu>.:etc}}