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- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian
- ====== Travian Map Download Script ====== This is my script(s) which I use to downoad the map.sql from Travian and import it to th... P_DIR=${HOME}/opt/travian DUMP_DIR=/srv/glassfish/domains/domain1/docroot/sql # # executables MYSQL="/srv/mysql/bin/mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u$
- Travian Analyzer Bookmarklet @z:travian
- cation javascript:top.location.href=((String(window.getSelection()).length>0)?'http://travian.ws/analyser.pl?s=de7&q='+window.getSelection():top.location.href.replace(/http:\... ode> javascript: top.location.href=( (String(window.getSelection()).length>0) ? 'http://travian.ws/analyser.pl?s=de7&q='+window.getSelection() : top.location.href.replace(/
- base-exec-superuser @z:relax:api:base
- ation and can be either ''pfexec'', ''su'' or ''sudo''. ===== Usage ===== base-exec-superuser USER... the privileges. Can be ''pfexec'', ''su'' or ''sudo''. * Additionally, the [[base-exec-user#usage
- base-repo-get-value @z:relax:api:base
- d outputs a single value (for the given key) to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-repo-get-value SERV
- base-net-load-url @z:relax:api:base
- === Loads a file from an URL and outputs it to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-net-load-url URL
- base-repo-get-service @z:relax:api:base
- iguration from the repository and outputs it to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-repo-get-service SE