Fulltext results:
- Debug Server Certificate from Client
- rIaKfD38j4X2xU2HZ3ITi7dxO6PDGekkhGakPTWH0VBrzHcbOBEEy3Z louCqoUs8ji6HX3O9QV56xZwLKnL0CEDZ7vZp8joMP1d5Q... b2NhLmNvbS9Qb3NpdGl2ZVNTTENBMi5jcmwwbAYIKwYBBQUHAQEE YDBeMDYGCCsGAQUFBzAChipodHRwOi8vY3J0LmNvbW9kb2NhL... QUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmNvbW9kb2NhLmNv bTAnBgNVHREEIDAegg93d3cuYW5kdW5peC5uZXSCC2FuZHVuaXgubmV0MA0GCS... DsiCJ8AckHpXCLsDl6ez2PRIHSD3SwyNWQezT3zVL yOf2hgVSEEOajBd8i6q8eODwRTusgFX+KJPhChFo9FJXb/5IC1tdGmpnc5mC
- Download a Server Certificate
- ificate chain. Every chertificate ist wrapped between ''-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'' and ''-----END C... rtificate is the server certificate. So you only need to copy the output from the first ''-----BEGIN C... ) format. To convert it to the binary DER format see [[convert_certificate]]. {{tag>openssl security
- Compare a Key with its Certificate
- du/|University of Wisconsin Knowledgebase]]. To see if a key ''server.key'' belongs to the certificate ''server.crt'', they need to have the same "modulus" and "exponent". op... The exponent is quite always 65537. So we only need to compare the modulus. openssl x509 -noout -