Fulltext results:
- Project PDA @p:pda
- [[.:dc:|Data Collector]]: Collection of API Implementations to connect to several (Web-)Services and access data there * [[.:blackbox:|Blackbox]]: Entity Storage. Stores XML objects like tasks, notes... Display. Named after the Star Trek Pads, it implements the GUI (or User Experience) facing the user. Can be a desktop app, web app or smartphone app. What
- Serial Protocol @p:dmx
- erial Protocol ====== For the communication between the host (PC) and the controller (Arduino), there... l is line by line, with carriage return ("\n") as end. The first character denotes the type of command or information. The following commands have been defined: * **C**ounter - set, read or inform a
- Program @p:dmx
- e value of the program counter ist exchanged between the host an the controller with the command [[p:d... t16 start_counter * uint8 start_value * uint8 end_value * uint8 duration This results in seven bytes per structure. If there are 128 program slots,
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- nutes which will be recorded after the programmed end -m --max-rec Number of allowed parallel reco... s: axt eyetv -b10 -a15 -m2 -d /Volumes/EyeTV | less {{tag>java programming eyetv tool opensource}}
- Projects
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>.#1}} ===== Project Archive ===== {{indexmenu>z#1}}
- Projects @p:pda:blackbox
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>p:#1 .}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- Projects @p:andunix-tool
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>p:#1 .}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- Projects @p:andunix-commons
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>p:#1 .}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- Projects @p:pda:padd
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>p:#1 .}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- DMX512 Project @p:dmx
- ====== DMX512 Project ====== {{indexmenu>.}}
- Projects
- ====== Projects ====== {{indexmenu>.#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- Data Collector @p:pda:dc
- ims to connect all the input sources the PDA needs to do its job. ===== Index ===== {{indexmenu>.}}