Fulltext results:
- base-repo-get-service
- base-repo-get-service ====== Loads a service configuration from the repository and outputs it to STD... ce SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': a key of a service definition in the repository. ===== Returns ===== Returns the service definition. This is usually evaluated in a shell scrip... === Example ===== <code bash> # # get service config config=$(base-repo-get-service ${service}) if [
- base-repo-get-value
- == base-repo-get-value ====== Loads a service configuration from the repository and outputs a single ... ERVICE KEY * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service definition in the repository. * ''KEY'': The key for the value in the service definition to output. ===== Returns ===== Returns the value for the key in the service definition. ===== Example ===== <code bash> # # serv
- base-exec-superuser
- be elevated. This privilege elevation method is defined by $RIGHT_ELEVATION in the service configuration and can be either ''pfexec'', ''su'' or ''sudo''.... er USER COMMAND * ''USER'': A key of an user definition in the repository. From this, the following
- base-ssh-login
- ND ] * ''SERVICE'': a key of an user or host definition in the repository. From this, the following... if ''REMOTE_HOST'' is not set): A key to a host definition in the repository. * ''REMOTE_HOST'' (optional): If ''REMOTE_HOST'' is not defined, ''HOST_REF'' must be present. * ''REMOTE_
- base-exec-user
- er USER COMMAND * ''USER'': A key of an user definition in the repository. From this, the following... if ''REMOTE_HOST'' is not set): A key to a host definition in the repository. * ''REMOTE_HOST'' (optional): If ''REMOTE_HOST'' is not defined, ''HOST_REF'' must be present. * ''REMOTE_
- base-net-load-url
- ====== base-net-load-url ====== Loads a file from an URL and outputs it to STDOUT. ===== Usage =====
- base-ssh-mount
- nt SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service definition in the repository. ===== Returns ===== No
- base-ssh-umount
- nt SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service definition in the repository. ===== Returns ===== No