Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ====== Formatting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to ... ku>toolbar|quickbuttons]], too. ===== Basic Text Formatting ===== DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic... wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] Please note: The image formatting is the only formatting syntax accepted in link names. The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]
- Automatic Submission of a Form if an Element is changed @info:javascript
- ====== Automatic Submission of a Form if an Element is changed ====== To submit the form if an element changes, you can use <code> onChange="this.form.submit()" </code> ===== Example ===== <code html> <form action="index.jsp" method="post"> <select onCha
- Dice Roller @blog:2009
- resulting sum. For convenience, there is a second form where you can just enter the number of dice and p... y/3.0/|CC Attribution 3.0 Unported]]. ===== HTML Form ===== <code html> <form name="rolldice" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="n" size="2"/> ... sabled="true" type="text" name="r" size="4"/> </form> </code> ===== Javascript Code ===== <code java
- Print Information about a Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- _inform|-inform DER]]'': This specifies the input format normally the command will expect an X509 certif... f other options such as -req are present. The DER format is the DER encoding of the certificate and PEM ... ded. The NET option is an obscure Netscape server format that is now obsolete. * ''[[http://www.openss... ext|-text]]'': prints out the certificate in text form. Full details are output including the public key
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- <uuid>|<filename> [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD] (default: VDI) ... uuid>|<outputfile> [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD|RAW|<other>] ... name> <outputfile> [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD] [--va... utputfile> <bytes> [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD] [--va
- CloudTable @z:cloudtable
- he config store stores the informations about the forms, tables and applications. Also the users will be... I which then enables drag&drop and other things. Forms can also be put on a different server (e.g. outs... company with the application inside). This remote form will send the input via email to the application.
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- {VM_DIR}/${VM_NAME}.vmdk" --size "${DISK_SIZE}" --format VMDK ${VBOX} -q modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" --hda "${... eful, please let me know (you can use the contact form or leave a comment). You can also subscribe the f
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- ew private key. The argument takes one of several forms. rsa:nbits, where nbits is the number of bits, g... rd output by default. They are all written in PEM format. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/pkcs1
- Download a Server Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- to a file. This certificate is in the PEM (text) format. To convert it to the binary DER format see [[convert_certificate]]. {{tag>openssl security cryptogr
- Print Information about a Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- ext|-text]]'': prints out the certificate in text form. Full details are output including the public key
- Solaris: List Devices @info:solaris
- use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''format'' * ''prtconf'' * ''sysdef'' {{tag>solaris
- Print all certificates in a file @info:cryptography:openssl
- ded by their subject and issuer names in one line format. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/pkcs7
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''format'' * ''prtconf'' * ''sysdef'' ==== Reconfig
- fstyp @info:solaris
- -v /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0 <file> ufs magic 11954 format dynamic time Wed Dec 23 17:26:29 2009 sblkn
- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian