Fulltext results:
- Home Server Goals
- eful-zfs-home-server-tips|suggested]], here is a list of services, which my home server should provide:... * I had also a "**OpenSolaris Sandbox**" on this list, but I think that one is served bettes as a Virtu... and OpenSolaris, as the first goal on the above list requires Mac OS X and I haven't found an acceptab... is on top of it. In the future, there may be two distinct servers due to some limitations of this const
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox
- M_NAME}" --basefolder "${BASE_DIR}" ${VBOX} -q registervm "${VM_DIR}/${VM_NAME}.xml" ${VBOX} -q storage... ctivate.${SCRIPT_EXT}" #! /bin/sh ${VBOX} -q registervm "${VM_DIR}/${VM_NAME}.xml" ${VBOX} -q modifyv... <code bash> #! /bin/sh /usr/bin/VBoxManage registervm "/local/temp-vm/temp-vm.xml" /usr/bin/VBoxMan
- Hello Drupal
- upal.org/project/views|Views]] module rendes the list of friends as a nice list in the sidebar. The credits for this solution go to [[http://constantin.glez
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone)
- ndex.html|prstat(1M)]] man page: * ''-z zoneidlist'' Report only processes or LWPs whose zone ID is in the given list. Each zone ID can be specified as either a zone n
- Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical
- ermissions (''pfexec/sudo''). <code bash> echo Existing boot environments: beadm list echo echo -n Enter be name to create: read be beadm create $be beadm