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- JAX-WS Debugging @info:java
- ====== JAX-WS Debugging ====== If you use the builtin JAX-WS implementation and want to see the SOAP requests an... tp.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump=true </code> {{tag>java jax jax-ws webservice debugging programming}}
- jax @tag
- ====== jax ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>jax&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/jax}}
- jax-ws @tag
- ====== jax-ws ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>jax-ws&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/jax-ws}}
- CloudTable @z:cloudtable
- here will be an API for remote calls and a fancy AJAX UI which then enables drag&drop and other things.