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- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202)
- 0s0'': fsck -o b=4711 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 ==== Label Filesystem ==== * The filesystem name is the m... the physical volume name. * Write a filesystem label: labelit -F <fstype> <raw device> <fs name> <volume> * Read a file label: labelit <raw device> * Example: Write the
- Virtual Network Visualization
- '--')) { print " subgraph \"cluster_$2\" { $1; label = \"$2\"; }\n"; } } close INPUT; print "}\n"; <... sc2 -> isc_net0; subgraph "cluster_isc1" { isc1; label = "isc1"; } subgraph "cluster_isc2" { isc2; label = "isc2"; } } </code> {{tag>solaris opensolaris visu
- fstyp
- 9425194213536263558' gen_version: '14' gen_volume_label: 'rpool' </file> {{tag>solaris ufs zfs cli files