Fulltext results:
- Increase the Tomcat Upload Limit
- === Increase the Tomcat Upload Limit ====== The "manager"-App of the Tomcats has a limit of 50MiB. Thi... fined in the file ''WEB-INF/web.xml'' within the "manager"-App: <code xml> <multipart-config> ... t'', the file will be here: ''/opt/tomcat/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml''. If you have installed Tomcat with the package manager, it will be here: ''/usr/share/tomcat7-admin/
- Set the Timezone on Debian @info:sysadmin:debian
- ezone on Debian ====== Just run the following command as ''root'' (use ''su'' or ''sudo''): dpkg-re