Fulltext results:
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- . <code> Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 4.2.16 (C) 2005-2013 Oracle C... groups showvminfo <uuid>|<name> [--details] [--machi... nereadable] showvminfo <uuid>|<name> --log <idx> registervm <filename> unregistervm <uuid>|<name> [--de
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- ices, you can use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''format'' * ''prtconf'' * ''sysdef''... /driver//, e.g. ''devfsadm -i sd'' ==== Device Names ==== * physical device path: ''"/pci@0/pci@0/... ci@2/network@0" 0 "e1000g"'' * logical device name: ''e1000g0'' * logical device path: ''/dev/e100... o_inst]]'' maps physical device paths to driver name and driver instance number. Example: "/pci@0/p
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- ldocs/share/jps.html]]. I'm using it with the parameters ''-l'' (long listing) and ''-m'' (arguments) most of the time: /usr/java/bin/jps -lm Here are some more examples: List all java processes: ''jps'' <code> 5571
- Make your Mac feel at Home @info:mac
- ~~META:date created = 2010-05-03 16:24~~ ====== Make your Mac feel at Home ====== A small snippet from one of my scripts which tests whether your Mac is in the given (home) WLAN. <code bash> # # Path to 'airport' execute... Mac OS X 10.5. AIRPORT="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resour
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- .andunix.net:443 Informations about the used arguments from the OpenSSL man page: * ''[[http://www... 7vZp8joMP1d5Qza5XMD2koDAgMBAAGj ggGnMIIBozAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSZ5EBfaxRePgXZ3dNjVPxiuPcArDAdBgNVHQ4E FgQUk... YDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMFAGA1UdIARJMEcw OwYLKwYBBAGyMQECAgcwLDAqBggrBgEFBQcCARYeaHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb3NpdGl2 ZXNzbC5jb20vQ1BTMAgGBmeBDAECATA7BgNVHR8ENDAyMDCgLqAshipodHRwOi8v Y3JsLmNv
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles @info:oracle
- e: SPFile and PFiles ====== Oracle reads its parameters from a file called "SPFile". You can't change... inary file. Additionally, Oracle can read the parameters from "PFiles", which are regular text files. ... ILE; </code> It will create a PFile ''${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora''. ===== Import PFile ===== To import the parameters from the PFile to the SPFile, you have to boo
- Setting the Timezone @info:linux:debian
- ====== Setting the Timezone ====== The timezone is stored in the file ''/etc/timezone''. ===== Check the Timezone ===== <code bash> cat /etc/timezone </code> Example: <code> # cat
- Android Apps @info:android
- ====== Android Apps ====== Here are some links to Android Apps I'm using. Where available, there are ... store/apps/details?id=ch.gridvision.pbtm.androidtimerecorder|Gleeo Time Tracker]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fsck.k9|K-9 Mail... s://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schimera.webdavnav|WebDAV Navigator]] / [[https://play.g
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- -out testkey.crt Informations about the used arguments from the OpenSSL man page: * ''[[http://www... ertificate request and a new private key. The argument takes one of several forms. rsa:nbits, where nb... out|-keyout testkey.key]]'': this gives the filename to write the newly created private key to. If this option is not specified then the filename present in the configuration file is used. * ''
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- earching for a DynDNS client for my OpenSolaris Home Server, but a small bash script does the job as g... <code bash dyndns-update.sh> #! /bin/bash . ${HOME}/.dyndns.cfg DOMAINS=$(cat ${HOME}/.dyndns.domains) echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') $(basename $0)" for domain in ${DOMAINS}; do echo -n
- Git @info:code
- Branch === git push origin -d BRANCH === List unmerges branches === List branches with commits, which are not in branch REF: git branch --no-merged REF For example, list unmerged branches, which are not in ''develop'': git branch --no-merged develop === List unmerges commits === List co
- Set a Mac's Hostname @info:mac
- ====== Set a Mac's Hostname ====== To set the permanent hostname, use the ''scutil'' utility (enter the desired hostname instead of ''the_hostname''): <code bash> sudo scutil --set HostName the_hostname </code> === Credi
- Command Line Audio @info:mac
- ~~META:date created = 2009-06-19 16:17~~ ====== Command Line Audio ====== ===== Change Mac Audio Volume from Command Line ===== To change the audio volume from remote of my Mac at home, I needed a command line tool which I can use via ssh. I've found it he
- fstyp @info:solaris
- 0s0 <file> ufs magic 11954 format dynamic time Wed Dec 23 17:26:29 2009 sblkno 16 cblkn... btodb 1 minfree 1% maxbpg 2048 optim time maxcontig 128 rotdelay 0ms rps 167 csadd... typ -v /dev/rdsk/c7d0s0 <file> zfs version: 14 name: 'rpool' state: 0 txg: 6946 pool_guid: 2570515241943895053 hostid: 876213 hostname: 'workbox' top_guid: 9425194213536263558 guid: 94
- localeadm @info:solaris
- PL.UTF-8, sk_SK.ISO8859-2, sk_SK.UTF-8 ] North America (nam) [ en_CA.ISO8859-1, en_CA.UTF-8, en_US.I... .UTF-8, en_NZ.ISO8859-1, en_NZ.UTF-8 ] Central America (cam) [ es_CR.ISO8859-1, es_CR.UTF-8, es_GT.I... .UTF-8, kk_KZ.UTF-8, uk_UA.UTF-8 ] Middle East (mea) [ ar_SA.UTF-8, he, he_IL.UTF-8 ] Northern Africa (naf) [ ar, ar_EG.UTF-8 ] North America (nam) [ en_CA.ISO8859-1, en_CA.UTF-8, en_US.I