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- IPS Repository Appliance
- -x86.iso * Repository osol-repo-0906-full.iso <note> The links above don't work any more and were removed. </note> ===== Setup VirtualBox VM ===== Create a new VirtualBox VM with no Hard Disk. {{osolrepo01.png?nolink|}} {{osolrepo02.png?nolink|}} {{osolrepo03.png?nolink|}} You wil
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy
- ote the very helpful article "[[http://drupal.org/node/339552|Drupal via HTTPS/SSL Proxy Server (share... . It has also a nice side effect: I separated my normal editor account from the admin account, so that my normal account has not all the rights. If I want to log in with both accounts at the same time, I can do
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox
- ts for the VMs parameters in case the user enters no value. <code bash> RAM="512" DISK_SIZE="8196" DI... asks for the parameters and uses the defaults if no value is entered. For example, the question for t... r in the latest version. Please keep in mind that not all written here may be true for the later as th... = The Future ====== There are some things, which not yet work as I want them to. * The VM must not
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone)
- servers ran out of RAM and Swap. Shame on me for not monitoring that, but it's now. As the server is running several zones, my first question was: Which... e. * ''size'' Sort by size of process image. Note the upper case ''-Z'' in the first an the lower
- Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical
- /mnt beadm umount $be beadm activate $be </code> Now, reboot the system to enter the new boot environ... ris.org/bin/view/Project+caiman/Text+Install+b134+Notes|Text Installer FAQ]]. {{tag>howto install ope
- Set PHP Variables in .htaccess Files
- ccess file. To set the value to "0", which means no limit, add this line: <code> php_value max_execu
- Home Server Goals
- ored an be served to clients in the local LAN but not to the Internet. * **Web Hosting**: I want to
- Hello Drupal
- I've already set up my Projects a special content nodes and thinking about doing the same for tasks an
- 2010
- ====== 2010 ====== ~~DIR?cols=page;tags&noheader~~