Fulltext results:
- IPS Repository Appliance
- s to the OpenSolaris 2009.06 images: * Live CD osol-0906-x86.iso * Repository osol-repo-0906-full.iso <note> The links above don't work any more and... Create a new VirtualBox VM with no Hard Disk. {{osolrepo01.png?nolink|}} {{osolrepo02.png?nolink|}} {{osolrepo03.png?nolink|}} You will get this warnin
- Home Server Goals
- ber server. The server will continue to run Mac OS X and OpenSolaris, as the first goal on the above list requires Mac OS X and I haven't found an acceptable PVR solution ... This is currently done using an Mac mini with Mac OS X and running an virtualized OpenSolaris on top o... ing to stop the OpenSolaris server to install Mac OS X patches). {{tag>backup homeserver java mac osx