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p:andunix-tool:index [2013-02-03 10:26]
andunix created
p:andunix-tool:index [2013-02-03 11:12]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== andunix-tool ====== ====== andunix-tool ======
 +  java -jar andunix-tool.jar <Global Options> <Command> <Command Options>
 +**Tip:** I suggest to create a shell-script to ease the java starting:
 +<file bash axt>
 +#! /bin/sh
 +# Change this to the directory in which you put ''andunix-tool.jar''
 +# and the corresponding ''lib'' directory
 +# Use this to define the path to your Java-Intallation
 +exec ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar ${ANDUNIX_TOOL_DIR}/andunix-tool.jar $*
 +Global Options:
 +  -d --debug  Activates the Debug-Level in the output.
 +  * [[#eyetv|eyetv]]
 +===== EyeTV =====
 +  axt eyetv <Command Options>
 +Command Options:
 +  -b --pre-rec   Minutes which will be recorded before the programmed start
 +  -a --post-rec  Minutes which will be recorded after the programmed end
 +  -m --max-rec   Number of allowed parallel recordings
 +  -d --dir       Directory containing the ''EyeTV Archive'' directory
 +  axt eyetv -b10 -a15 -m2 -d /Volumes/EyeTV
 +**Tip:** Pipe the output to less which lets you easily scroll though the repotred intersections:
 +  axt eyetv -b10 -a15 -m2 -d /Volumes/EyeTV | less
 +{{tag>java programming eyetv tool opensource}}
p/andunix-tool/index.txt · Last modified: 2013-02-03 11:12 by andunix