Fulltext results:
- Project PDA @blog:2011
- nal Datastorages. I always missed the "Assistant" part from PDA. So I decided to build my own PDA. As I... d in Java. Today, I will tell you about the major parts of the project and keep the details for future posting. Parts of the project are (so far): * **Data Collect
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) @blog:2010
- my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== Part 1: Find the Zone ===== To see the memory usage o... bout processes and zones at the same time. ===== Part 2: Find the Process(es) in the Zone ===== To see
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- a DISK_SIZE=${a:-${DISK_SIZE}} </code> The main part. The base directory, the VM and the disk image ar
- Hello Drupal @blog:2010
- decided to go with Drupal. One very interesting part of Drupal is the [[http://drupal.org/project/cck|
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- I will let you know in an update. This script is part of my scripts collection, so you can find the lat
- Plaintext @info:cryptography
- message text in the language of the communicating parties. Plaintext has reference to the operation of c
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- he following syntax plugins are available in this particular DokuWiki installation: ~~INFO:syntaxplugin
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- ions displayed for a particular OVF) export <machines