Fulltext results:
- Program @p:dmx
- ====== Program ====== The controller (Arduino) can be programmed to animate the value on a DMX channel from one value to another. The contoller has an program counter which is counted up by one every iteratio... s (100 Hz) or 20ms (50 Hz) long. The value of the program counter ist exchanged between the host an the con
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- e-rec Minutes which will be recorded before the programmed start -a --post-rec Minutes which will be recorded after the programmed end -m --max-rec Number of allowed paralle... ctions: axt eyetv -b10 -a15 -m2 -d /Volumes/EyeTV | less {{tag>java programming eyetv tool opensource}}
- Serial Protocol @p:dmx
- d: * **C**ounter - set, read or inform about the program counter * **P**rogram - fills a program slot