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- Program @p:dmx
- ====== Program ====== The controller (Arduino) can be programmed to animate the value on a DMX channel... om one value to another. The contoller has an program counter which is counted up by one every iteratio... 00 Hz) or 20ms (50 Hz) long. The value of the program counter ist exchanged between the host an the con... mand [[p:dmx:protocol|"C" (counter)]]. ===== Program Storage ===== To store the programs, an array of
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- rs in case the user enters no value. <code bash> RAM="512" DISK_SIZE="8196" DISK_TYPE="vdi" </code> T... -type dvddrive --medium emptydrive test ! -z "${RAM}" && ${VBOX} -q modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" --memory "${RAM}" </code> Finally, the scripts are created. Ther
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) @blog:2010
- e) ====== Last week one of my servers ran out of RAM and Swap. Shame on me for not monitoring that, bu... my first question was: Which zone is eating up my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== Part 1:... e Zone ===== To see which processes use the most RAM in the zone, use one of these commands: <code ba
- Serial Protocol @p:dmx
- * **C**ounter - set, read or inform about the program counter * **P**rogram - fills a program slot
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- agefusion on|off] [--vram <vramsize in MB>] [--... --image <path to program> --username <name> [-
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles @info:oracle
- B. The usage of ''SCOPE=BOTH'' changes the init param in memory and in the SPFile. <code sql> ALTER SY
- List Open Ports @info:sysadmin
- Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- ps/s_client.html|s_client]]'': SSL/TLS client program * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/s_client
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- foxpro visualprolog whitespace whois winbatch wolfram xbasic xml xojo xorg_conf xpp yaml z80 zxbasic//