Fulltext results:
- Travian Analyzer Bookmarklet
- lyze" and the location javascript:top.location.href=((String(window.getSelection()).length>0)?'http:... .pl?s=de7&q='+window.getSelection():top.location.href.replace(/http:\/\/welt7\.travian\.de\/(spieler|allianz)\.php\?/,'http://travian.ws/analyser.pl?s=de7&')) Now, update the bookmark and replace "welt7.travian.de" with your Travian server
- Travian Map Download Script
- avian" # set this to your database instance # # directories MAP_DIR=${HOME}/opt/travian DUMP_DIR=/srv/... lastmap} > /dev/null then # savemap an lastmap are the same echo ${savemap} is the same als last one: REMOVING rm ${savemap} else # savemap and lastma... update history -- DELETE FROM ${world}_history WHERE snapdate='${today}'; INSERT INTO ${world}_history
- Travian
- == Welcome to the Travian tools at andunix.net. Here I will publish my projects regarding the browsergame "[[http://www.travian.com/|Travian]]" ([[http://
- Travian Info Tool
- ====== Travian Info Tool ====== This tool in currently in planning. You will be able to get Informatio