Fulltext results:
- DynDNS Updates without a Client
- n} - " curl --silent --show-error --insecure --user ${LOGIN} "${UPDATE_URL}?hostname=${domain}... variable) and the server's URL (''$UPDATE_URL'') are read from the config file ''~/.dyndns.cfg''. Here an example config file: <file bash dyndns.cfg> LO... e domains. Currently, I use the switch ''--insecure'' to disable the SSL certificate check. As soon a
- exiftool
- hotos 43 days, 14 hours and 55 minutes to the future: exiftool -AllDates+='0:0:43 14:55:0' -overwri
- Compare directories
- ====== Compare directories ====== For each of the directories, generate a digest file: <code bash> f