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- rmdir for OSX
- the directories to store its settings. This makes removing directories from the command line quite com... ir test </code> I wrote a small bash function to remove directories together with the contained ''.DS... ${d%/}/.DS_Store" if [ -f "${f}" ] then echo "removing ${f}" rm "${f}" fi /bin/rmdir "${d}" |... "${d}" done } </code> With this function you can remove the directory at once: <code bash> $ rmdir te
- Make your Mac feel at Home
- eFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport" # # Set this to your Home WLAN SS... D: ${HOMESSID}\$") # # Branch depending on grep's return code. if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # in home wla... r ''SSID'' (the name of the wireless network) and replace the two echo lines with your code. {{tag>cl
- MacPorts
- === MacPorts ====== ===== List Ports ===== list requested ports: <code bash> port echo requested | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | uniq </code> list installed ports:
- Command Line Audio
- mmand Line ===== To change the audio volume from remote of my Mac at home, I needed a command line to