Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. You can
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- ease the handling of "moveable" VMs, I created a script which creates a VM and a disk image in a given di... ts to activate and deactivate the VM. ====== The Script ====== So let's have a look at the script. I'll go thought some snippets here, but there is a link to the full script below. At the top, there are two settings which
- init @info:linux:debian
- Managing init Scripts ===== To activate an init script ("myscript"): update-rc.d myscript enable To deactivate an init script ("myscript"): update-rc.d myscript remove Further information ca
- Dice Roller @blog:2009
- ====== I programmend a small dice roller in javascript. You enter the number of dice, sides and the offset and press the button “roll”. The script shows the individual dice and the resulting sum. ... name="r" size="4"/> </form> </code> ===== Javascript Code ===== <code javascript> function roll() { var count = parseInt(document.rolldice.n.value); var
- script @tag
- ====== script ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>script&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/script}}
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- for my OpenSolaris Home Server, but a small bash script does the job as good as any other client. <code ... rrect way I will let you know in an update. This script is part of my scripts collection, so you can find... p://www.dyndns.com/developers/specs/syntax.html. {{tag>homeserver opensolaris script scripting sysadmin}}
- Travian Analyzer Bookmarklet @z:travian
- kmark with title "Analyze" and the location javascript:top.location.href=((String(window.getSelection())... he code again, in a more readable way: <code> javascript: top.location.href=( (String(window.getSelectio... \/(spieler|allianz)\.php\?/,'http://travian.ws/analyser.pl?s=de7&') ) </code> {{tag>javascript travian}}
- javascript @tag
- ====== javascript ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>javascript&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/javascript}}
- Firefox Extensions @info:prog:firefox
- ey/|Greasemonkey]] |Customize webpages using JavaScript. | |[[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/w... * [[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/noscript/|NoScript]] * [[https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/operator/|Operator]] * [[https://addons.mozi
- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian
- ====== Travian Map Download Script ====== This is my script(s) which I use to downoad the map.sql from Travian and import it to the databas... L__ echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` $0 finished" </code> {{tag>travian shell script download map sql}}
- Reload Page @info:javascript
- ====== Reload Page ====== <code javascript> location.reload(true); </code> {{tag>javascript}}
- Set PHP Variables in .htaccess Files @blog:2010
- either set it to unlimited, run the long running script and then comment it out or set it to some reasonable value like 120 or 300, depending on the time the script usually needs. {{tag>apache php webhosting}}
- Virtual Network Visualization @blog:2009
- sualize the internal network(s), I created a perl script which takes the output of dladm show-link and gen... raphviz.org/|Graphviz]]. Update: The dladm2dot.pl script now also shows the non-global zones of the interf
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- nd Options> **Tip:** I suggest to create a shell-script to ease the java starting: <file bash axt> #! /b
- rmdir for OSX @info:mac
- <code bash> $ rmdir test removing test/.DS_Store </code> {{tag>admin mac osx script scripting sysadmin}}