Fulltext results:
- Scripting
- ====== Scripting ====== {{indexmenu>.#2}} {{tag>script scripting}}
- root login with bash
- ine is from the ''su'', for the ''root'' password. {{tag>ssh solaris opensolaris bashrc scripting sysadmin}}
- exiftool
- o the future: exiftool -AllDates+='0:0:43 14:55:0' -overwrite_original *.jpg {{tag>scripting exif photo}}
- Shell Script Variables
- Remove a trailing slash from ''$a'': <code bash> a=${a%/} </code> {{tag>scripting bash sysadmin variable}}
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts
- * dig * nmap * rsync ===== System ===== {{tag>script scripting cli tool sysadmin audio video network}}
- DynDNS Updates without a Client
- http://www.dyndns.com/developers/specs/syntax.html. {{tag>homeserver opensolaris script scripting sysadmin}}