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- Travian Village Planner - Tribe & Village Name
- ~~META:date created = 2009-02-25 12:04~~ ====== Travian Village Planner - Tribe & Village Name ====== Yesterday, I had some time and worked on the Vill... r the name of the village and you can select your tribe. Both informations are saved to the URL when clicking on “make bookmark”. The tribe is saved as parameter 't' and the name as 'n'.
- Travian Village Planner
- ~~META:date created = 2009-02-18 17:14~~ ====== Travian Village Planner ====== Currently I'm working on a village planner for Travian. It was inspired by the village planner at [[http://www.ebav.co.uk/travian/]], but I was missing a possibility to save ... an have a look at the current version at [[http://travian.andunix.net/village-planner/index.html]]. H
- ZFS Playground
- 0, simulating mirroring two disks on different controllers. So, let's replace c0d1 with c1d0. <code b... er disk ===== Now we add the "disk" c0d1 to the stripe, expanding the capacity of the pool. <code ba... = Clean Up ===== For now, we are finished. We destroy the pool and remove the files. Note that ''zpoo... w the pool any more. <code bash> pfexec zpool destroy demo zpool status rm c[01]d[012] </code> to be
- Dice Roller
- [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/|CC Attribution 3.0 Unported]]. ===== HTML Form ===== <c... pe="submit" value="roll"/> <input disabled="true" type="text" name="r" size="4"/> </form> </co
- Project Idea: WikiTable
- le ====== I'm using wikis a lot but every wiki I tried so far lacks support for tables. The wikis are... ikis. In a second step, the application could be transformed to a plugin for wiki systems. This enabl
- Virtual Network Visualization
- nnected with virtual switches. This feature was introduced with [[http://www.opensolaris.org/os/projec
- OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder
- r creates during boot which has the "System Adminitrator" profile. The commands will be executed with