Fulltext results:
- Hello Drupal
- :date created = 2010-03-01 00:00~~ ====== Hello Drupal ====== Some time ago, I decided to migrate my ... http://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] to [[http://drupal.org/|Drupal]]. Blogging with DokuWiki was OK using the plugins from the [[http://dokuwiki.foosel.or... e/index.php|DokuWiki Blogsuite BundleHub]], but Drupal has some advantages. It's always fascinating t
- IPS Repository Appliance
- ===== Brian Leonard wrote a good guide how to setup a [[https://blogs.oracle.com/observatory/entry/lo... work any more and were removed. </note> ===== Setup VirtualBox VM ===== Create a new VirtualBox VM w... publisher on the another host, where you want to update or install packages, as repository. To set i... ==== The downside of this is that you have to setup the server every time you boot your VM. Alternati
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy
- ~~META:date created = 2010-03-16 18:00~~ ====== Drupal: Reverse Proxy ====== [[http://drupal.org/user/280026|skybow]] wrote the very helpful article "[[http://drupal.org/node/339552|Drupal via HTTPS/SSL Proxy Server (shared certificates)]]". While following his adv
- Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical
- ~~META:date created = 2010-10-04 14:33~~ ====== Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical ... e installed with a text interface. Here is how to upgrade to a graphical system. Do the following as ... /mnt uninstall babel_install slim_install bootadm update-archive -R /mnt beadm umount $be beadm activa
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone)
- ones, my first question was: Which zone is eating up my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== ... ''size'' Sort by size of process image. Note the upper case ''-Z'' in the first an the lower case ''-
- Home Server Goals
- hive TV broadcasts. * **Secure File Archive/Backup**: I want my digital camera photos and other prec... s server to install Mac OS X patches). {{tag>backup homeserver java mac osx mediaserver mysql opensol