Fulltext results:
- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- VirtualBox ====== VirtualBox works good when you use the same VMs all the time. It organizes the disk... . If you try to carry a VM around with you on an USB stick or want to put it on an encrypted image, t... ve to be careful when creating the disk image and use the button to select the directory for the disk ... two settings which you may want to change if you use the script. The ''VBOX='' setting contains the f
- ZFS Playground @blog:2009
- pfexec zpool create demo /var/tmp/c0d0 zpool status </code> <code> pool: demo state: ONLINE scru... ttach demo /var/tmp/c0d0 /var/tmp/c0d1 zpool status </code> <code> pool: demo state: ONLINE scru... 73K resilvered </code> Note that the ''zpool status'' output now shows a mirror over two files. Also... place demo /var/tmp/c0d1 /var/tmp/c1d0 zpool status </code> <code> pool: demo state: ONLINE scru
- Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) @blog:2010
- : date created = 2010-04-21 10:17~~ ====== Memory Usage of a Solaris Container (Zone) ====== Last wee... is eating up my RAM? So, here are the commands I used. ===== Part 1: Find the Zone ===== To see the memory usage of the running zones: <code bash> prstat -Z <... ess(es) in the Zone ===== To see which processes use the most RAM in the zone, use one of these comma
- Simulating slow network connections with trickle @blog:2014
- s with this command: <code bash> trickle -d 512 /usr/bin/firefox -no-remote -P test </code> More inf... ound on these pages: * [[http://monkey.org/~marius/pages/?page=trickle|trickle Homepage]] * [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Trickle|Trickle in the Ubunutuuser Wiki]] (german) === trickle -h === <code> Usage: trickle [-
- Project Idea: WikiTable @blog:2009
- 3:30~~ ====== Project Idea: WikiTable ====== I'm using wikis a lot but every wiki I tried so far lack... kis are able to show tables, but building a table using lots of pipes “|” sucks. What I want to develo... bles should also be available as a HTML-snippet (just the table, html- dory body-tags). This snippet c... sformed to a plugin for wiki systems. This enable users to manage the tables in the wiki and not to us
- Home Server Goals @blog:2010
- stantin [[http://constantin.glez.de/content/seven-useful-zfs-home-server-tips|suggested]], here is a l... ld provide: * **Personal Video Recorder**: I'm using the EyeTV Hard- and Software from Elgato to re... : I want my digital camera photos and other precious files to be stored at serveral places and to be p... Hosting**: I want to run web application at home. Usually, I'm hosting my webapps at Host Europe, but
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy @blog:2010
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy ====== [[http://drupal.org/user/280026|skybow]] wrote the very helpful article ... educe the amount of editing and to increate the reusability, I substituted * ''www.example.com'' wit... e proxy. This improves security, as other hosts, using the same reverse proxy, won't see the cookie and also enables mutliple logins, if using multiple domain names for one installation. I
- Project PDA @blog:2011
- '. PDA stands for "Personal Digital Assistant". I used several PDAs over the last two decades, from Sharp, Psion, Palm and others. But they all were just Personal Datastorages. I always missed the "Assi... ter the Star Trek Pads, it implements the GUI (or User Experience) facing the user. Can be a desktop app, web app or smartphone app. Whatever is next to t
- OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder @blog:2009
- d then mount the file system type ''vboxfs''. The Usage is: <code bash> mount -F vboxfs <share> <moun... ings and click the little folder with the green plus on the right. {{add_shared_folder_16px.png?nolink... log in and open a Terminal. I assume that you are using the user creates during boot which has the "System Adminitrator" profile. The commands will be exe
- IPS Repository Appliance @blog:2010
- repository of about 8GB to a local disk. You can use the repository image directly. Here is how you c... the following commands with adequate privileges. Use "su", "sudo", "pfsh" or "pfexec" to obtain root ... packages, as repository. To set it as publisher, use this command (again with apropiate privileges) a... Live CD and then set up the repository server to use the mounted ISO image. {{tag>image_package_syst
- Dice Roller @blog:2009
- onvenience, there is a second form where you can just enter the number of dice and press the butten fo... 3&s=8&o=5]] for a 3d8+5 (three eight-sided dice plus five). The dice roller is at [[http://andunix.net/pub/dice.html]]. And here's the code. You can use it under the [[http://apache.org/licenses/LICENS
- Set PHP Variables in .htaccess Files @blog:2010
- o override the default for your webspace, you can use the php_value directive in a .htaccess file. To... value like 120 or 300, depending on the time the script usually needs. {{tag>apache php webhosting}}
- Virtual Network Visualization @blog:2009
- ion ====== OpenSolaris supports virtual networks using virtual interfaces connected with virtual swit... generates a dot-File, which then can be rendered using [[http://www.graphviz.org/|Graphviz]]. Update:
- Hello Drupal @blog:2010
- upal.org/|Drupal]]. Blogging with DokuWiki was OK using the plugins from the [[http://dokuwiki.foosel.... s fascinating to get into a new technology. After using misc. wiki systems and Wordpress, I wanted to
- Start and Stop the Apple File Server from Command Line @blog:2011
- ple File Server from Command Line ====== You can use ''/sbin/service'' to start or stop the "Personal