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- localeadm
- e and get a matching DVD or ISO image. If you're using an ISO image, you have to mount it (insert you... -F hsfs ${LOFIDEV} /mnt </code> Note: If you're using the bourne shell (instead of bash or ksh), then use backticks in the second line: ''LOFIDEV=`lofiadm -a ${ISOIMG}`'' Now you can use localeadm. ===== Examples ===== ==== List Inst
- Virtual Network Visualization
- tion ====== OpenSolaris supports virtual networks using virtual interfaces connected with virtual swit... generates a dot-File, which then can be rendered using [[http://www.graphviz.org/|Graphviz]]. **Upda... sted in the [[http://blogs.sun.com/observatory/en_US/entry/crossbow_virtual_wire_demo_tool|Crossbow Vi... Tool]]. ===== dladm2dot.pl ===== <code perl> #! /usr/bin/perl $STYLE{'etherstub'} = "shape=box"; $ST
- Package Repositories
- qualified and not recommended for installation by users | |https://pkg.sun.com/opensolaris/extra/ |O... pository | |https://pkg.sun.com/opensolaris/ha-cluster/ |[[http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/ha-clusters/|Open HA Cluster]] | {{tag>solaris laptop install ips pkg imagepackagesystem opensolaris}}
- File System
- fs|udfs(7FS)]] ===== File System Commands ===== Use this commands to administer file systems. * fsck * [[fstyp]] * mkfs - better use newfs instead * mount * newfs * umount *... === Pages tagged with "filesystem" ===== {{topic>filesystem&nouser&tags}} {{tag>solaris filesystem}}
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202)
- vices ==== To list the system's devices, you can use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''for... em entries in the root filesystem for inode 4711, use this: find / -mount -inum 4711 -ls ==== Bloc
- Solaris: List Devices
- ces ====== To list the system's devices, you can use the following commands: * ''dmesg'' * ''for