Fulltext results:
- Compare a Key with its Certificate
- [[https://kb.wisc.edu/middleware/page.php?id=4064|Verifying that a Private Key Matches a Certificate]]" from the [[https://kb.wisc.edu/|University of Wisconsin Knowledgebase]]. To see if a key ''server.key'' belongs to the certificate ''server.crt'', they need to have the same "modulus" and "exponent"
- Debug Server Certificate from Client
- ====== Debug Server Certificate from Client ====== Credit for this example goes to "[[http://langui.s... m__showcerts|-showcerts]]'': display the whole server certificate chain: normally only the server certificate itself is displayed. * ''[[http://www.open... r, L = Salford, O = COMODO CA Limited, CN = PositiveSSL CA 2 verify error:num=20:unable to get local i
- Download a Server Certificate
- ====== Download a Server Certificate ====== First, load the certificate chain from the server: <code bash> openssl s_client -showcerts -conne... </dev/null </code> This will output the whole server certificate chain. Every chertificate ist wrapped between ''-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'' and ''----
- Convert a Key
- ====== Convert a Key ====== ===== Convert P12 to Java Keystore ===== keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore test... t, keytool will ask you for a password. ===== Convert PEM to P12 ===== To convert ''cert.pem'' and ''key.pem'' to ''key.p12'': openssl pkcs12 -export
- Print Information about a Key
- s added. The NET option is an obscure Netscape server format that is now obsolete. * ''[[http://www.... /x509.html#item__noout|-noout]]'': this option prevents output of the encoded version of the request. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509.html#i
- Convert a Certificate
- ====== Convert a Certificate ====== ===== Convert DER to PEM ===== openssl x509 -inform der -in testkey.der -out testkey.pem ===== Convert PEM to DER ===== openssl x509 -outform der -
- Generate a Test Key
- nd a new private key. The argument takes one of several forms. rsa:nbits, where nbits is the number of... html#item__keyout|-keyout testkey.key]]'': this gives the filename to write the newly created private
- Print Information about a Certificate
- /x509.html#item__noout|-noout]]'': this option prevents output of the encoded version of the request. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509.html#i
- Print all certificates in a file
- /Java-Keystore-Certificates with the Apache webserver. Use the -print_certs to print all the certifica