Fulltext results:
- DynDNS Updates without a Client
- ng for a DynDNS client for my OpenSolaris Home Server, but a small bash script does the job as good as... credentials (the ''$LOGIN'' variable) and the server's URL (''$UPDATE_URL'') are read from the config... eck. As soon a I found out how to download the server certificate and check it in the correct way I wi... my scripts collection, so you can find the latest version at http://bitbucket.org/andunix/scripts/src/
- Change Encoding with iconv
- ===== Change Encoding with iconv ====== ===== Convert Single File ===== iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 -o OUTPUT.txt INPUT.txt Converts ''INPUT.txt'' from ''iso-8859-1'' to ''utf-8'' and writes it to ''OUTPUT.txt''. ===== Convert All Files in a Directory ===== <code bash> for... {f}_$$_TEMP ${f} \ && mv ${f}_$$_TEMP ${f} done </code> {{tag>sysadmin convert encoding shell cli}}
- Shell Script Variables
- f ''$a'': <code bash> ${a: -1} </code> ===== Remove Slash from the End of a Variable ===== Remove a trailing slash from ''$a'': <code bash> a=${a%/} </c
- Command Line Tools Used in My Scripts
- se in my scripts an which should be installed on every of my systems. Basic tools (e.g. awk, find, gre
- exiftool
- future: exiftool -AllDates+='0:0:43 14:55:0' -overwrite_original *.jpg {{tag>scripting exif photo}