Fulltext results:
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- --- Certificate chain 0 s:/OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=PositiveSSL/CN=www.andunix.net i:/C=GB/S... ZWQxGTAXBgNV BAMTEFBvc2l0aXZlU1NMIENBIDIwHhcNMTMxMDA4MDAwMDAwWhcNMTQxMDA4MjM1 OTU5WjBTMSEwHwYDVQQLExhEb21haW4gQ29udHJvbCBWYWxpZGF0ZWQxFDASBgNV BAsTC1Bvc2l0aXZ
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- details] [--machinereadable] showvminfo <uuid>|<name> --l... one|<name>] [--bridgeadapter<1-N> none|<devicename>] [--hostonlyadapter<1-N> none|<devicename>] ... [--audiocontroller ac97|hda|sb16] [--clipboard di
- DynDNS Updates without a Client @info:script
- ====== DynDNS Updates without a Client ====== My new hosting provide Strato offers DynDNS. I was sear... as good as any other client. <code bash dyndns-update.sh> #! /bin/bash . ${HOME}/.dyndns.cfg DOMAINS=$(cat ${HOME}/.dyndns.domains) echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') $(basename $0)" for domain i... lent --show-error --insecure --user ${LOGIN} "${UPDATE_URL}?hostname=${domain}" done </code> First, t
- Compare a Key with its Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- r Modulus=C8B04B9D50386C0B22296B181046712B83DB624DA4AA9B9CA78453DC78DA26D2295FDF79 A544CBF8013138FB0EDFD8F0CB13E2FBF8883263442AEA549450737360A2C4F607D2E4DADEA3E501 15DA6315BA3829A2F3E5D87293835D3F909234541F508FCFED435CCCD73880A6BCC488ABB8C6F3D8 0E55F5DC528A
- MySQL: Backup @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Backup ====== ===== Export a Database ===== <code bash> # set or replace the variables... ${USER} -p${PASS} ${DB} </code> ===== Export all Databases individually ===== <code bash> # set or replace the variables $USER and $PASS DATE_YMD=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") DATABASES=$(mysql --batch -u${USER} -p${PASS} mysql --execute='show databas
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- te a Test Key ====== openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout testkey.key -out t... [[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/req.html#item__days|-days 365]]'': when the -x509 option is being used this specifies the number of days to certify the certificate for. The default is
- Android Apps @info:android
- tore/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.android.webdrive|DavDrive]] / [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.android.lite.webdrive|DavDrive Lite]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/... .google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schimera.webdavnav|WebDAV Navigator]] / [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.schimera.webdavnavlite|W
- Oracle: Recovery Manager @info:oracle
- === Delete all archive logs but keep the last 45 days: <code sql> DELETE ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -45'; </code> To remove archive logs older than 3 days without prompting, e.g. via cron, after backup ... LETE NOPROMPT ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -45'; </code> A sample script could be (deleti
- MySQL: Create Database @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Create Database ====== ==== Create Database ==== <code sql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{db}`; </code> ==== Create Database and Grant Rights to a User ==== <code sql>
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- FIED BY '{passwd}'; </code> ==== Create User and Database ==== * Usually, ''{user}'' == ''{db}'' ... PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0 ; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{db}`; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES... </code> Simpler Alternative: <code sql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `dbname` DEFAULT CHARACTER SE
- exiftool @info:script
- ftool -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%e "-testname<CreateDate" *.jpg Then rename the files: exiftool -d %Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%e "-filename<CreateDate" *.jpg ===== Correct the Date of Photos ===== To shift the photos 43 days, 14 hours and 55 minutes to the future: exiftool -A
- localeadm @info:solaris
- y of this report can be found in /var/sadm/system/data/locales.list </code> ==== List Installable Loc... SO8859-1, fr_CA.UTF-8 ] Northern Europe (neu) [ da_DK.ISO8859-1, da_DK.ISO8859-15, da_DK.UTF-8, fi_FI.ISO8859-1, fi_FI.ISO8859-15, fi_FI.UTF-8, is_IS.ISO8859-1, is_IS.UT
- List Open Ports @info:sysadmin
-* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp 0 0 ...* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::546 ... :::* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::51486 :::* 407/avahi-daemon: r </code> {{tag>sysadmin admin linux networ
- MySQL: Remove Database @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Remove Database ====== ==== Remove Database ==== <code sql> DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{db}`; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- Android Backup @info:android
- command. It will automatically insert the current date in the filename: <code bash> adb backup -apk -shared -all -f $(date '+%Y-%m-%d').db </code> If you are havong prob... ill-server sudo adb start-server </code> <file> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * </file> After this, t