Fulltext results:
- MySQL: Backup @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Backup ====== ===== Export a Database ===== <code bash> # set or replace the variables... ${USER} -p${PASS} ${DB} </code> ===== Export all Databases individually ===== <code bash> # set or replace the variables $USER and $PASS DATE_YMD=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") DATABASES=$(mysql --batch -u${USER} -p${PASS} mysql --execute='show databas
- MySQL: Create Database @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Create Database ====== ==== Create Database ==== <code sql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{db}`; </code> ==== Create Database and Grant Rights to a User ==== <code sql>
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- Fc6QSJMB7dfYwmp6Be6KoJDQ6bPjA1kZNzQyUejEo FeFuU4X+dAKy/bjvQkKzeXdhc3luFQ0IuqRYITIKYP2q/rPhl72qmBl5IQSO... JXb/5IC1tdGmpnc5mCtJ5D YD7HWyoSbhruyzmuwzWdqLxdsC/DAgMBAAGjggF3MIIBczAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSt vZh6NLQm9/rEJl... onds) TLS session ticket: 0000 - a0 74 cd da 9f 5c f5 b1-ca ea 52 c0 55 5c a0 6c .t...\....R... 0010 - 48 02 bc aa bf 50 52 7b-ab 40 9b 02 d1 da 54 44 H....PR{.@....TD 0020 - 3d 5c aa 8d f
- Generate a Test Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- te a Test Key ====== openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout testkey.key -out t... [[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/req.html#item__days|-days 365]]'': when the -x509 option is being used this specifies the number of days to certify the certificate for. The default is
- localeadm @info:solaris
- y of this report can be found in /var/sadm/system/data/locales.list </code> ==== List Installable Loc... SO8859-1, fr_CA.UTF-8 ] Northern Europe (neu) [ da_DK.ISO8859-1, da_DK.ISO8859-15, da_DK.UTF-8, fi_FI.ISO8859-1, fi_FI.ISO8859-15, fi_FI.UTF-8, is_IS.ISO8859-1, is_IS.UT
- List Open Ports @info:sysadmin
-* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp 0 0 ...* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::546 ... :::* 407/avahi-daemon: r udp6 0 0 :::51486 :::* 407/avahi-daemon: r </code> {{tag>sysadmin admin linux networ
- Android Backup @info:android
- command. It will automatically insert the current date in the filename: <code bash> adb backup -apk -shared -all -f $(date '+%Y-%m-%d').db </code> If you are havong prob... ill-server sudo adb start-server </code> <file> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * </file> After this, t
- MySQL: Remove Database @info:mysql:database
- ====== MySQL: Remove Database ====== ==== Remove Database ==== <code sql> DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{db}`; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- MySQL: Create User @info:mysql:user
- FIED BY '{passwd}'; </code> ==== Create User and Database ==== * Usually, ''{user}'' == ''{db}'' ... ES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0 ; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{db}`; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES... </code> Simpler Alternative: <code sql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `dbname` DEFAULT CHARACTER SE... L ON `dbname`.* TO 'dbuser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dbpass'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- Oracle: Recovery Manager @info:oracle
- === Delete all archive logs but keep the last 45 days: <code sql> DELETE ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BE... 45'; </code> To remove archive logs older than 3 days without prompting, e.g. via cron, after backup ... could be (deleting all logs except the last three days): <code bash> #!/bin/bash . ${HOME}/.profile... L COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -3'; EXIT __EOF__ </code> {{tag>admin database dba oracle rman sysadmin}}
- MySQL: Remove User @info:mysql:user
- USER '{user}'@'%'; </code> ==== Remove User and Database ==== * Usually, {user} == {db} <code sql> DROP USER '{user}'@'%'; DROP DATABASE '{db}'; </code> {{tag>admin database mysql sql}}
- Android Apps @info:android
- tore/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.android.webdrive|DavDrive]] / [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.android.lite.webdrive|DavDrive Lite]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/
- Oracle @info:oracle
- [[http://www.oracle.com/pls/db102/homepage|Oracle Database Online Documentation 10g Release 2 (10.2)]]... [[http://www.oracle.com/pls/db112/homepage|Oracle Database Online Documentation 11g Release 2 (11.2)]]
- init @info:linux:debian
- ormation can be found at [[http://wiki.debian.org/Daemon|Daemon - Debian Wiki]] {{tag>sysadmin linux debian cli}}
- Cleanup Packages @info:linux:debian
- Try to report common packages. --guess-data Try to report data packages. --guess-debug Try to report debugging lib