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- How To Create a Moveable VM with VirtualBox @blog:2010
- u use the same VMs all the time. It organizes the disk images in one directory and the configuration files in another. It kees a record of all known disk images and virtual machines. If you try to carry... is, that you have to be careful when creating the disk image and use the button to select the directory for the disk image or VirtualBox will put it in the default di
- ZFS Playground @blog:2009
- eed a Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris host and 1,2GB of disk space. ===== Preparation ===== First, go to a d... GB for 6 files of 200MB. The files are named like disks, but they are only files for this demo. <code b... ''rpool'' is also omitted. ===== Attach a second disk ===== This will attach a second disk to the existing, creating a mirror. <code bash> pfexec zpool att
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- [--boot<1-4> none|floppy|dvd|disk|net>] [--nic<1-N> non... tmacs| keepdisknames] [--name <name>]... vminfo <uuid>|<name> closemedium disk|dvd|floppy <uuid>|<filename> ... me> add <name> --type disk|network --limit <
- IPS Repository Appliance @blog:2010
- opy the entire repository of about 8GB to a local disk. You can use the repository image directly. Here ... VM ===== Create a new VirtualBox VM with no Hard Disk. {{osolrepo01.png?nolink|}} {{osolrepo02.png?nol... ion/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/media/ENTER_DISK_NAME_HERE/repo svccfg -s application/pkg/server s
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- es: ''devfsadm -c ''//class//, e.g. ''devfsadm -c disk'' * Limit a driver: ''devfsadm -i ''//driver/... <raw device> * Directly transfer VTOC from one disk to another: prtvtoc <source raw device> | fmth... e: Write the name "home" and the volume "vol1" to disk ''c0t0d0s0'': labelif -F ufs /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s
- fstyp @info:solaris
- 8 guid: 9425194213536263558 vdev_tree: type: 'disk' id: 0 guid: 9425194213536263558 path... '/dev/dsk/c7d0s0' devid: 'id1,cmdk@AVBOX_HARDDISK=VB9cb9c5fb-995c3829/a' phys_path: '/pci@0,0/pci-ide@1,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a' whole_disk: 0 metaslab_array: 23 metaslab_shift: 27