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- base-exec-user @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-user ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. ===== Usage ==... esent. * ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as loc... r will be taken. * ''COMMAND'': A command to be executed. It is executed either locally or remote using [
- base-exec-superuser @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-superuser ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. Before executin... ase-exec-user]]. * ''COMMAND'': A command to be executed. It is executed either locally or remote using base-ssh-login. ===== Returns ===== Returns the output o
- base-ssh-login @z:relax:api:base
- thods (especially [[base-exec-user]]) to remotely execute a command. ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-login S... esent. * ''REMOTE_USER'' (optional): The user execute the command remotely. If not present, same as loc... r will be taken. * ''COMMAND'': a command to be executed. If not present, an interactive shell will be op
- OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder @blog:2009
- ystem Adminitrator" profile. The commands will be executed with the rights given by this profile, so they need to be executes with ''pfexec''. First, create the mountpoint i
- MySQL: Backup @info:mysql:database
- BASES=$(mysql --batch -u${USER} -p${PASS} mysql --execute='show databases') for db in ${DATABASES} do m
- IPS Repository Appliance @blog:2010
- e> {{osolrepo06.png?nolink|}} NOTE: You need to execute the following commands with adequate privileges.
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- on. If disabled, the code is displayed instead of executed. ===== RSS/ATOM Feed Aggregation ===== [[DokuWi
- Make your Mac feel at Home @info:mac
- n (home) WLAN. <code bash> # # Path to 'airport' executeable, as of Mac OS X 10.5. AIRPORT="/System/Librar
- Specify Java VM for Eclipse @info:code:eclipse
- ant that the ''-vm'' and the path to the ''java'' executeable are specified in two separate lines!</note>