Fulltext results:
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- ====== jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool ====== The Java Virtual Machine has a ''jps'' tool wich is a bit like the ''ps'' command. ''jps'' lists all ''java'' Processes of a user. You can find the man page at [[http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/share/jps.html]]
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windows Shar... is included inside the tag, e.g. ''<nowiki><code java></nowiki>'' or ''<nowiki><file java></nowiki>''. <code java> /** * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that * simply displ
- andunix-tool @p:andunix-tool
- ====== andunix-tool ====== Usage: java -jar andunix-tool.jar <Global Options> <Command> <Command Opti... ** I suggest to create a shell-script to ease the java starting: <file bash axt> #! /bin/sh # Change t... dunix-tool # Use this to define the path to your Java-Intallation JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk exec ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar ${ANDUNIX_TOOL_DIR}/andunix-tool.jar $*
- Specify Java VM for Eclipse @info:code:eclipse
- ====== Specify Java VM for Eclipse ====== To let Eclipse use the Java VM from ''/opt/jdk/bin/java'' add these two lines to the ''eclipse.ini'' in the Eclipse installation directory: <code> -vm /opt/jdk/bin/java </code> <note important>It is important that the
- Dice Roller @blog:2009
- ller ====== I programmend a small dice roller in javascript. You enter the number of dice, sides and th... ext" name="r" size="4"/> </form> </code> ===== Javascript Code ===== <code javascript> function roll() { var count = parseInt(document.rolldice.n.value)... document.rolldice.s.value=s; document.rolldice.o.value=o; roll(); } </code> {{tag>dice javascript}}
- Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox @info:java
- ====== Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox ====== To install the Java plugin for Firefox, you have to create a symlink from Fi... he JRE's "lib" dir. <code bash> sudo ln -s \ ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so \ /usr/lib/fire... the "plugin" directory may be somewhere else on your system. {{tag>java plugin linux ubunutu sysadmin}}
- Project PDA @blog:2011
- PDA. So I decided to build my own PDA. As I'm a Java Programmer, it will be implemented in Java. Today, I will tell you about the major parts of the project... or smartphone app. Whatever is next to the user. So far for now, stay tuned. {{tag>java programming}}
- Travian Analyzer Bookmarklet @z:travian
- bookmark with title "Analyze" and the location javascript:top.location.href=((String(window.getSelect... is the code again, in a more readable way: <code> javascript: top.location.href=( (String(window.getSe... (spieler|allianz)\.php\?/,'http://travian.ws/analyser.pl?s=de7&') ) </code> {{tag>javascript travian}}
- javascript @tag
- ====== javascript ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>javascript&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>http://www.andunix.net/link/rss/all/javascript}}
- java @tag
- ====== java ====== ===== Pages ===== {{topic>java&nouser&tags}} ===== Bookmarks ===== {{rss>https://shaarli.andunix.net/?do=rss&searchtags=java}}
- JAX-WS Debugging @info:java
- pipe. The system property to set depends on your Java version. <code> com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.cl... .http.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump=true </code> Java 8 on OS X needs this: <code> -Dcom.sun.xml.ws.tra... ttp.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump=true </code> {{tag>java jax jax-ws webservice debugging programming}}
- Java @info:java
- ====== Java ====== {{indexmenu>.}} {{tag>coding java topic}}
- Reload Page @info:javascript
- ====== Reload Page ====== <code javascript> location.reload(true); </code> {{tag>javascript}}
- Convert a Key @info:cryptography:openssl
- ====== Convert a Key ====== ===== Convert P12 to Java Keystore ===== keytool -importkeystore -srckey
- Home Server Goals @blog:2010
- stall Mac OS X patches). {{tag>backup homeserver java mac osx mediaserver mysql opensolaris php ssh vir