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- OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder @blog:2009
- 09-08-11 12:16~~ ====== OpenSolaris / VirtualBox: Mount Shared Folder ====== To mount a shared folder in a OpenSolaris guest in VirtualBox, you have to install the Guest Additions and then mount the file system type ''vboxfs''. The Usage is: <code bash> mount -F vboxfs <share> <mountpoint> </code> If you wa
- localeadm @info:solaris
- image. If you're using an ISO image, you have to mount it (insert your path in the first line. <code ba... V=$(lofiadm -a ${ISOIMG}) echo LOFIDEV=${LOFIDEV} mount -F hsfs ${LOFIDEV} /mnt </code> Note: If you're ... == Clean Up ==== If you have finished, you can unmount the ISO image and destroy the lofi device. <code bash> umount ${LOFIDEV} lofiadm -d ${LOFIDEV} </code> {{tag>a
- File System @info:solaris
- [[fstyp]] * mkfs - better use newfs instead * mount * newfs * umount * zfs * zpool ===== Pages tagged with "filesystem" ===== {{topic>filesystem&n
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- ard links of a given inode: find <filesystem> -mount -inum <inode> -ls * For example, to find all f... t filesystem for inode 4711, use this: find / -mount -inum 4711 -ls ==== Block Sizes ==== * The //
- base-ssh-mount @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-ssh-mount ====== Mounts a remote share using sshfs/fuse (sftp). ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-mount SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service defi
- base-ssh-umount @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-ssh-umount ====== Unmounts a remote share which had been mounted using sshfs/fuse (sftp). ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-mount SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service defi
- Upgrade Solaris 11/OpenSolaris from Text to Graphical @blog:2010
- be name to create: read be beadm create $be beadm mount $be /mnt pkg -R /mnt install babel_install pkg -R... lim_install bootadm update-archive -R /mnt beadm umount $be beadm activate $be </code> Now, reboot the s
- Oracle: SPFile and PFiles @info:oracle
- PFILE}. <code sql> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='${PATH_TO_PFILE}' CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE... e the second line would be: <code sql> STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE='/db/oracle/config/pfiles/initweb.ora' </co
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- oup <name>] [--forceunmount] [--server <name>|<ip... [--transient] [--readonly] [--automount] sharedfolder remove <vmname>|<uu
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- as shown above. Be sure to have always the same amount of cell separators! Vertical tableheaders are po
- Drupal: Reverse Proxy @blog:2010
- dvice, I found some improvements. To reduce the amount of editing and to increate the reusability, I sub