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- Home Server Goals @blog:2010
- le Archive/Backup**: I want my digital camera photos and other precious files to be stored at serveral... erver**: I want to store my MP3 files and the videos from the above PVR to be stored an be served to c... ber server. The server will continue to run Mac OS X and OpenSolaris, as the first goal on the above list requires Mac OS X and I haven't found an acceptable PVR solution
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- e external and internal [[doku>images|images, videos and audio files]] with curly brackets. Optionally... eet c_winapi dart dcl dcpu16 dcs delphi diff div dos dot d ecmascript eiffel email epc e erlang euphor... c mk-61 mmix modula2 modula3 mpasm mxml mysql nagios netrexx newlisp nginx nimrod nsis oberon2 objc ob... index.rss 5 author date 1h }} ===== Control Macros ===== Some syntax influences how DokuWiki render
- exiftool @info:script
- ====== exiftool ====== ===== Rename Photos ===== Try it first with ''-testname'': exiftool -d %Y-... <CreateDate" *.jpg ===== Correct the Date of Photos ===== To shift the photos 43 days, 14 hours and 55 minutes to the future: exiftool -AllDates+='0:
- Package Repositories @info:solaris
- ckage Repositories ====== There's a list of multi-OS repositories at [[http://wikis.sun.com/display/Ip... m can be found at: * http://www.opensolaris.org/os/project/pkg/. * http://wikis.sun.com/display/Ip... olaris/ha-cluster/ |[[http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/ha-clusters/|Open HA Cluster]] | {{ta
- AirPort Command Line Interface @info:mac
- Interface ====== ===== AirPort On/Off ===== Infos from [[http://osxdaily.com/2011/05/31/enable-disable-airport-wireless-connections-command-line/|OS X Daily]] ==== AirPort On ==== networksetup -
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- on|off] [--firmware bios|efi|efi32|efi64] [--c... ] [--wait-stderr] [--dos2unix] [--unix2dos] [-- [<argument1>] ... [<argumentN>]]
- andunix Infos @info:linux
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:cryptography
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:javascript
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:cryptography:openssl
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:linux:debian
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:db:iso:3166-1
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:db:iso:3166-2
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~
- andunix Infos @info:sysadmin:debian
- ===== andunix Infos ===== {{indexmenu>info:#1 .:#1}} ===== Tags ===== ~~TAGCLOUD:50~~