Fulltext results:
- VBoxManage (The VirtualBox CLI) @info:virtualbox
- us <number>] [--cpuhotplug on|off] [--plugcpu <id>] [--unplugcpu <id>] [--cpuexecution... on|off] [--bioslogodisplaytime <msec>] [--bios
- Android Apps @info:android
- ks, the paid and the free version. * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxi... ng.client.android|Barcode Scanner]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.android.webdrive|DavDrive]] / [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fun2code.an... droid.lite.webdrive|DavDrive Lite]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dg.gtd.and
- localeadm @info:solaris
- ISOIMG}`'' Now you can use localeadm. ===== Examples ===== ==== List Installed Locales ==== <code bash> localeadm -lc </code> Example output: <code> Checking for installed packages.... 859-1, fr_CH.UTF-8, hu_HU.ISO8859-2, hu_HU.UTF-8, pl_PL.ISO8859-2, pl_PL.UTF-8, sk_SK.ISO8859-2, sk_SK.UTF-8 ] North America (nam) [ en_CA.ISO8859-1, en
- jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool @info:java
- /usr/java/bin/jps -lm Here are some more examples: List all java processes: ''jps'' <code> 55719... my/pkg/hourglass-0.6.1/lib/hourglass.jar 51299 /Applications/jEdit 56042 sun.tools.jps.Jps 51610 org.n... jar 51610 Main --userdir /Users/andreas/Library/Application Support/visualvm/1.0.1 --branding visualvm... va VM parameters: ''jps -v'' <code> 56053 Jps -Dapplication.home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.fra
- Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox @info:java
- ====== Install the Java-Plugin for Firefox ====== To install the Java plugin for Firefox, you have to create a symlink from Firefox's plugin directory ''/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/'' to the file ''libnpjp2.so'' in the JRE's "lib" dir
- Plaintext @info:cryptography
- ====== Plaintext ====== The plaintext is unencrypted and unsigned text. It's the payload which then get's sign... Wikipedia defines [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaintext|plaintext]] as: > In cryptography, plaintext is information a sender wishes to transmit to a
- Command Line Audio @info:mac
- ter numbers from 0 (mute) to 10 (maximum). ===== Play Audio File ===== How to play an audio file from command line is described here: [[http://www.macos... 2|macosxhints - Use a built-in command line audio player]]. You just enter <code bash> afplay file.wav </code> More information on how to use afplay is
- Notes for the Solaris 10 System Administration Exam (CX-310-200 & -202) @info:solaris
- s to driver name and driver instance number. Example: "/pci@0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@2/network@0" 0 ... == Maps driver name to major device number. Example: e1000g 51 ==== Save and Restore the VTOC ===... filesystem> -mount -inum <inode> -ls * For example, to find all filesystem entries in the root file... iB(([[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Unit_multiples|Kibibyte (KiB)]])) or 8 KiB. On sun4u only 8 Ki
- Debug Server Certificate from Client @info:cryptography:openssl
- rtificate from Client ====== Credit for this example goes to "[[http://langui.sh/2009/03/14/checking-... /s_client.html#item__showcerts|-showcerts]]'': display the whole server certificate chain: normally only the server certificate itself is displayed. * ''[[http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/s_c... connect to the local host on port 443. ===== Example Output ===== <file> $ openssl s_client -showcer
- Oracle: Recovery Manager @info:oracle
- ast 45 days: <code sql> DELETE ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -45'; </code> To remove arch... un: <code sql> DELETE NOPROMPT ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -45'; </code> A sample script could be (deleting all logs except the last three ... et / << __EOF__ DELETE NOPROMPT ARCHIVELOG ALL COMPLETED BEFORE 'SYSDATE -3'; EXIT __EOF__ </code> {{
- Virtual Network Visualization @info:solaris
- ossbow Virtual Wire Demo Tool]]. ===== dladm2dot.pl ===== <code perl> #! /usr/bin/perl $STYLE{'ether... } } close INPUT; print "}\n"; </code> ===== Example ===== {{ dladm2dot.png|Example's Result}} === Input === == dladm show-link == <code> LINK CL
- Oracle: SQLplus Scripting @info:oracle
- ====== Oracle: SQLplus Scripting ====== To show only data in SQLplus and no header or other stuff, enter the following: ... SET VERIFY OFF SET HEADING OFF SET MARKUP HTML OFF SPOOL OFF </code> {{tag>oracle scripting sqlplus}}
- Compare a Key with its Certificate @info:cryptography:openssl
- with its Certificate ====== Credit for this example goes to "[[https://kb.wisc.edu/middleware/page.p... openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key Example: <file> $ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in serv... -noout -modulus -in server.key | openssl md5 Example: <file> $ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in serv
- Firefox Extensions @info:prog:firefox
- [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/|Adblock Plus]] |A must-have. Blocks all these blinking ads which are so anoying. | |[[https://ad... lashblock/|Flashblock]] - Block Flash and shows a play button to enable it once. * [[https://addons.
- Make your Mac feel at Home @info:mac
- 0.5. AIRPORT="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airpor... ''SSID'' (the name of the wireless network) and replace the two echo lines with your code. {{tag>cli