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- base-exec-user @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-user ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. ===== Usage ===== base-exec-user USER COMMAND * ''USER
- base-exec-superuser @z:relax:api:base
- ====== base-exec-superuser ====== Executes a command as a given user. Command is executed using ssh if the user is not on localhost. Before executing the command, the privileges will be elevated
- base-ssh-login @z:relax:api:base
- == base-ssh-login ====== Logs into a remote host using ssh. This can be used to open a remote sesssion, but ususally it's used by other methods (especially [[base-exec-user]]) to remotely execute a command. ====
- Travian Map Download Script @z:travian
- nload Script ====== This is my script(s) which I use to downoad the map.sql from Travian and import i... ==== config.inc ===== <code bash> # # database DB_USER="travian" # set this to your database user DB_PASS="travian" # set this to your database password D... sql/bin/mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u${DB_USER} -p${DB_PASS} ${DB_INST}" MYSQLDUMP="/srv/mysql
- host-user-list @z:relax:api:host
- ====== host-user-list ====== Lists the users on a given host. ===== Usage ===== host-user-tab HOST * ''HOST'': a key of a host service definition in the repository.
- host-user-tab @z:relax:api:host
- ====== host-user-tab ====== Lists the users on a given host as a colon separated table. ===== Usage ===== host-user-tab HOST * ''HOST'': a key of a host service definition in the repository.
- base-ssh-mount @z:relax:api:base
- ==== base-ssh-mount ====== Mounts a remote share using sshfs/fuse (sftp). ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-mount SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service definition
- base-ssh-umount @z:relax:api:base
- = Unmounts a remote share which had been mounted using sshfs/fuse (sftp). ===== Usage ===== base-ssh-mount SERVICE * ''SERVICE'': A key of a service definition
- CloudTable @z:cloudtable
- bout the forms, tables and applications. Also the users will be stored here. The data store stores the... "payload" data. These two are separated to enable usage of diffentent databases or even techniques. Th... he data. The first version will have a simple UI using standard HTML. As a further enhancement, there
- base-repo-get-value @z:relax:api:base
- ingle value (for the given key) to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-repo-get-value SERVICE KEY * ... n. ===== Example ===== <code bash> # # service must be a zone (have $ZONE set) if [ -z "$(base-repo-
- base-repo-get-service @z:relax:api:base
- m the repository and outputs it to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-repo-get-service SERVICE * ''... ns ===== Returns the service definition. This is usually evaluated in a shell script by the ''eval''
- base @z:relax:api:base
- The ''base'' module implements the basic methods used by the other modules. ===== Methods ===== {{i
- base-net-load-url @z:relax:api:base
- file from an URL and outputs it to STDOUT. ===== Usage ===== base-net-load-url URL * ''URL'': t
- Travian Analyzer Bookmarklet @z:travian
- s=de7" with your Travian Analyzer address. ===== Usage ===== * If you are viewing a player, eg. [[h